Thursday, July 30, 2009


Ciao a tutti! (Hello Everyone)

Haa..what a beautiful sunny day. As i wake up at 7am, Juza is missing! haha! we were sleep together last night since we afraid of being late in the morning. The giant spotlight seems like will make today's weather hot and bright..thank you Allah.

My 2 hours lecture's class at 8am was cancelled due to lecture's plan. so weehee! but the next class after that which is at 10am till 12pm..i skip! (bosan dowh kelas BHM) Syam ask me to sign for his attendance, naahh..'were in the same boat la Syam..haha'. Hence, for today i only have 2 classes. Im getting lazy and lazy, i've promise myself not to do the same mistakes again and again..haihhh (sigh).
Back to the main topic where im suppose to write, weekend. This sunday, i hope it will be a very shinny day, neither rain nor unexceptable reasons for other purpose. I made a plan with my long-time bestie Mell, hang-out together with Kay..maybe with a refreshing rapsberry blackcurrant frappuccino or java chip frappuccino and maybe we can try a new pizza hut delight! yum! and...maybe...after burp-ing, we gonna watch movies, loitering around..i hope its gonna be fun! i miss you guys so much. Mell, its been a months since the last time i saw u at petronas Uda and Kay..haha..hows your practical? hehe.

Home sweet home! going home, a place where i belong. This is the reason why i love being an indoor person, la mia famiglia tutto significa a me (my family means everything to me). I hope our discussion (assignment) for tomorrow will be postpone so that i can go back early. On august 10, i have to attend my diploma convocation at MMU Cyber and i still dont have anything to wear! lol! but my mum says 'nnti kite shopping' ahaa! thats what i wanna hear it!. Midterm break will gonna start soon so im away with my pc for a week and no facebook, myspace, blog or else will be updated.

avere un buono giorno tutti! (have a good day everyone!)


Wednesday, July 29, 2009

official blog

Ciao a tutti! (Hello Everyone)

this is my new official blog
i create a new one
i forgot my email and the password!
i use a different email with a different password
just for that previous blog purposed only

so i will try to keep myself up-to-date
and get in-touched
with my friends

nothing is personal
its just a blog
and blog is a place where people share
their interest and life's journey


do not leave your 'things' behind!

Ciao! (Hello)

Hey Hey Hey
Bentornati! (Welcome Back)

i just finished my 1st paper
engin maths 3
and it was so freak!
ok, at this moment
forget about those matrices and numerical stuff
and lets talk about shit
what kind of shit?

yesterday, while i was watching CSI Las Vegas
my roomate suddenly screamed in the toilet
guess what
that kind a piece of shit was inside the sink!
that bloody 'things' was stuck at the sink's hole
and its BIG like 'daging satay'
why the hell in this world you have to wash that stuff inside there?
stupid isn't?
argghh (angry)
hello...our house have 2 toilets
which means there are 2 toilet bowls
why the fuck you have to use the sink?
for God sake
this kind of people really need fucking help of cleanliness
i don't think i should mention the name
(kang ade yg mati terkejut)
this isn't a first time
and i do believe the 'things'....
belong to that person
fucking hideous!

lets take a lil break
imagining how the shit looks like
hanging and stuck...
around the sink's hole
a place where you use to
wash your face and brush your teeth
come on laaa..
its your own responsibility
it shouldn't happend
and your housemates doesn't
have to paste that such nonsense notices
serious bodoh la ini orang~

p/s: CSI Las Vegas season 3 mesti khatamkan mlm ni gak!


Tuesday, July 28, 2009

suck the papers!

Ciao! (Hello)

today and yesterday
i hate when it come to this kind of habit
where i used to push myself with everything i have
i should not surrender before i try
at least once
huh (sigh)
maybe some kind of 'malapetaka'
i just got an email with an attachment
from......aka 'si gile'
heh! what the heck?
anyway, i'm not interested about your new daughter's picture
stop 'promoting'!
but there's some phrase that shake me up
huh (sigh)
how am i going to 'clean up the mess'?
OMG nooooo!
i still have time to prove it
i know myself better than anyone else even my family
there's only one thing i need is..
come on...
it's just a term which i used to prove myself
so that i can stand up along with my friends
and neither look back nor left behind
this is just a warm up paper for me
my bad!
i didn't have a good rest and perfect preparation
by the way
i always skip the classes
don't do it again la wey!
show your self respect
i remember my mum favorite's sentence
"dh kene ketuk baru nak gerak"
i don't want to do the same mistakes again!
broke my mum's heart
arghh (sigh)

i still have 6 midterm papers left after this short break
huh (sigh)
motivating yourself is a good thing
by looking at someone
that might motivate you to be an example for you to follow
or grab some motivation books
just for a lil minute

i have proved it before
so why not this time?

-Zach Mikhail-