Thursday, July 30, 2009


Ciao a tutti! (Hello Everyone)

Haa..what a beautiful sunny day. As i wake up at 7am, Juza is missing! haha! we were sleep together last night since we afraid of being late in the morning. The giant spotlight seems like will make today's weather hot and bright..thank you Allah.

My 2 hours lecture's class at 8am was cancelled due to lecture's plan. so weehee! but the next class after that which is at 10am till 12pm..i skip! (bosan dowh kelas BHM) Syam ask me to sign for his attendance, naahh..'were in the same boat la Syam..haha'. Hence, for today i only have 2 classes. Im getting lazy and lazy, i've promise myself not to do the same mistakes again and again..haihhh (sigh).
Back to the main topic where im suppose to write, weekend. This sunday, i hope it will be a very shinny day, neither rain nor unexceptable reasons for other purpose. I made a plan with my long-time bestie Mell, hang-out together with Kay..maybe with a refreshing rapsberry blackcurrant frappuccino or java chip frappuccino and maybe we can try a new pizza hut delight! yum! and...maybe...after burp-ing, we gonna watch movies, loitering around..i hope its gonna be fun! i miss you guys so much. Mell, its been a months since the last time i saw u at petronas Uda and Kay..haha..hows your practical? hehe.

Home sweet home! going home, a place where i belong. This is the reason why i love being an indoor person, la mia famiglia tutto significa a me (my family means everything to me). I hope our discussion (assignment) for tomorrow will be postpone so that i can go back early. On august 10, i have to attend my diploma convocation at MMU Cyber and i still dont have anything to wear! lol! but my mum says 'nnti kite shopping' ahaa! thats what i wanna hear it!. Midterm break will gonna start soon so im away with my pc for a week and no facebook, myspace, blog or else will be updated.

avere un buono giorno tutti! (have a good day everyone!)


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